Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fear 3

     I can't really say that I had all that strong of a reaction to any of my classmate's fears. Though there was one though one that did create something of an internal conflict in me. I don't remember his name (I'm terrible with names) and I can't find it in the blogs, but he wrote some secret that was important to him on a slip of paper, folded it up, left the room and had us pass it around with instructions not to open it. If I remember it correctly it was a fear of trust. Now for me that is not an issue what is, is that I have 2 things that this causes to conflict in me, 1: I have a terrible thirst for knowledge at almost any cost; and 2: I am EXTREMELY loyal; and even though I don't know him that well I still have a desire to be loyal to his wish not to open it. It took a great deal of will power to resist opening it and I passed it on as quickly as possible so I could not dwell on whether or not to open it. I knew that not know what it was would almost drive me insane later but that really doesn't matter, I was through with the conflict. Then after he came back Beth had it passed a round again, by this point the desire to know had doubled and it was much harder to not open it, I still managed to pass it by there was a voice in my head screaming to open it and yelling at for not doing so, and even though I was able to keep myself from thinking about it, not know still gnawed at the edges of my mind for a day or two.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Fear Part 1

I really have no idea how anyone will react to what I came up with, I am sure there will be a few things said and a question or 2 but that's it.

Edit: Just now after publishing the Fear Part 2 assignment I saw that this was in draft version and I never published it... well there goes 50 points... oh well...

Fear Part 2

     I really kind of struggled with this assignment, no matter how much I thought about it I couldn't find anything that I feared, so I made my project a Q&A to see if anyone in class could find one I couldn't think of.

     The interesting thing was there were several different reactions. Ranging from some who simply accepted that I don't have a fear, to some doing a good job of trying to find something that I actually feared, to one person actually attacking my idea calling it a cop-out.

     This was much more of a reaction than I expected, it was also interesting to find that some people found me to seem fairly emotionless, as my own reactions to their questions or attacks were much less spirited than those of everyone else. I had only really anticipated a few well thought out questions that might lead to a fear.

     I don't think I would change a thing, it worked out better than I had expected, generation a much larger reaction and although I didn't find a fear or really learn anything about myself, it gave a great deal of insight on my peers and what/how they think.